Collaborative Robots vs. Human Workers - Which is More Safe and Secure?

April 18, 2022


In the past, the mention of the word 'robot' would bring dread to many factory workers as it meant loss of jobs to machines. However, with the advancement of technology, there is now a new breed of robots designed to work alongside human workers known as collaborative robots or cobots. The advantages of cobots over human workers are numerous, but one of the most significant concerns in the manufacturing industry is safety and security. We aim to analyze the safety and security features of cobots compared to traditional human workers.


A study conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) found that robots caused 27 workplace fatalities between 1984 and 2013 in the United States. This number equates to an average of one or two deaths per year 1. In contrast, human workers accounted for 5,333 fatal injuries in 2019, an annual rate of 3.5 deaths per 100,000 workers 2. Cobots are designed with safety in mind, and they come equipped with features such as payload sensors that halt operations when they detect potential collision with humans. Additionally, they have padded joints, rounded edges, and reduced speeds, which minimizes the impact in case of any accidents.


One of the main advantages of cobots is the ability to improve factory security. Cobots fitted with sensors or cameras can monitor the factory around the clock. They can detect unusual movements and notify security personnel or halt operations when unauthorized access occurs. On the other hand, human workers can easily become fatigued and miss suspicious activity, whereas cobots can inspect operations tirelessly.


Cost is another significant factor in determining the use of cobots. Initially, the upfront cost of a cobot is higher than human labor, but overtime cobots are considerably more affordable to maintain, and they can operate 24/7 without the need for rest. Additionally, the cost of insuring cobots is lower than the insurance costs of human labor, which can be very beneficial.


In summary, safety is one of the critical factors in any manufacturing industry, and cobots are the perfect solution to mitigate the risks associated with human labor. Cobots come with safety features that prevent accidents from occurring, and they present added advantages to factory security. Therefore, factories should consider investing in cobots to minimize safety risks and eliminate security costs associated with human labor.


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